Apple Stock News
For the latest Apple Stock News, AAPL closed at $136.93 on Monday, February 27, 2017. It had a gain of 0.2% from its previous close of $136.66 per share.
Apple’s stocks are continuing to rise, with large stakeholders in the company not willing to invest anymore due to its price being so high, its becoming an unattractive investment.
Warren Buffett, revealed that he personally purchased more than $8 billion of Apple shares in January. Berkshire Hathaway had $7 billion of there $122 billion equity portfolio invested in Apple.
With a year of incremental purchases Berkshire is now one of Apple’s top five shareholders, with a stake worth over $18 billion.
Apples shares have had a dramatic rise since January 31, with the share increasing by 12.6%. The stock has been climbing during the last 12 months, up by 41.3%.
Berkshire Hathaway is now in the top 5 shareholders in the company, only slightly behind FMR.
Following the major investment in Apple, the expansion of Mr Buffett’s investment team has allowed the company to diversify their portfolio.
Berkshire acquires most of its value in its large operating businesses, which span across a variety of categories and industries.
The news of an investment from Mr Buffett creates waves in the stock market.
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