I Know First utilizes an advanced artificial intelligence algorithm to model and predict the price movement of assets for short-term and long-term time horizons, ranging from 3 days to a year.
The algorithm is based on machine learning and incorporates elements of artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms. The output of the algorithm is used by investors and traders to identify when to enter and exit the market.
The market prediction system currently tracks and predicts over 10,000 different assets including Apple Inc. (AAPL) shares.
Forecast Date:
The date on which the forecast was issued.
The time period under consideration for the forecast.
The asset under consideration.
Green: bullish signal
Red: bearish signal
Deeper greens signify that the algorithm is very bullish on the asset, whereas deeper reds imply a very bearish outlook on the asset.
Predicted direction of price movement for the asset.
The level of confidence of the algorithm in predicting the price movement of the asset.
Hover over the image to learn more about our forecasts!
Predictability is a numerical representation of the level of confidence of the algorithm.
This value, which ranges from -1 to +1, is obtained by calculating the correlation between past predictions and actual historical asset price movements, with more weight given to recent performance. Predictability values generally increase as the algorithm gains more experience.
The higher the predictability value, the more accurate the forecast is likely to be. Longer term forecasts (1 month, 3 months and 1 year) tend to have higher predictability values as the algorithm can identify long-term trends more easily.
Signal represents the predicted price movement and direction (increase or decrease) for each particular asset. This value is not intended to be a specific target percentage nor price.
The signal strength indicates how much the current price deviates from what the system considers to be an equilibrium or “fair” price.
It is recommended that investors consider both the signal strength and predictability before trading or investing.
These algorithmic forecasts are intended to supplement other means of analyses to reduce risk and optimize returns.
I Know First utilizes an advanced artificial intelligence algorithm to model and predict the price movement of assets for short-term and long-term time horizons, ranging from 3 days to a year.
The algorithm is based on machine learning and incorporates elements of artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms. The output of the algorithm is used by investors and traders to identify when to enter and exit the market.
The market prediction system currently tracks and predicts over 10,000 different assets including Apple Inc. (AAPL) shares.
Forecast Date:
The date on which the forecast was issued.
The time period under consideration for the forecast.
The asset under consideration.
Green: bullish signal
Red: bearish signal
Deeper greens signify that the algorithm is very bullish on the asset, whereas deeper reds imply a very bearish outlook on the asset.
Predicted direction of price movement for the asset.
The level of confidence of the algorithm in predicting the price movement of the asset.
Tap the image to learn more about our forecasts!
Predictability is a numerical representation of the level of confidence of the algorithm.
This value, which ranges from -1 to +1, is obtained by calculating the correlation between past predictions and actual historical asset price movements, with more weight given to recent performance. Predictability values generally increase as the algorithm gains more experience.
The higher the predictability value, the more accurate the forecast is likely to be. Longer term forecasts (1 month, 3 months and 1 year) tend to have higher predictability values as the algorithm can identify long-term trends more easily.
Signal represents the predicted price movement and direction (increase or decrease) for each particular asset. This value is not intended to be a specific target percentage nor price.
The signal strength indicates how much the current price deviates from what the system considers to be an equilibrium or “fair” price.
It is recommended that investors consider both the signal strength and predictability before trading or investing.
These algorithmic forecasts are intended to supplement other means of analyses to reduce risk and optimize returns.
Our algorithm has consistently outperformed the S&P500 Index since 2013.
Receive the latest Apple forecasts with a special 30-day trial.
I Know First-Daily Market Forecast, does not provide personal investment or financial advice to individuals, or act as personal financial, legal, or institutional investment advisors, or individually advocate the purchase or sale of any security or investment or the use of any particular financial strategy. All investing, stock forecasts and investment strategies include the risk of loss for some or even all of your capital. Before pursuing any financial strategies discussed on this website, you should always consult with a licensed financial advisor.
I Know First-Daily Market Forecast, does not provide personal investment or financial advice to individuals, or act as personal financial, legal, or institutional investment advisors, or individually advocate the purchase or sale of any security or investment or the use of any particular financial strategy. All investing, stock forecasts and investment strategies include the risk of loss for some or even all of your capital. Before pursuing any financial strategies discussed on this website, you should always consult with a licensed financial advisor.