Apple Stock News
For the latest Apple Stock News, AAPL closed at $121.95 on Friday, January 27, 2017 with a 0.01% gain, or $0.01 from its previous close of $121.94 per share.
(Souce: Google)
Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL), one of the best-known tech company, patents a vaporizer. Apple’s patent describes “a substance that is to be vaporized or sublimated into a vapor”, but it does not state anything about the type of this substance.
Recently the vaping industry enjoyed a boost in sales since more and more people are replacing the regular cigarettes with the vaporizers. Vapes are commonly used to inhale nicotine and marijuana, therefore, it could be a sign that Apple is willing to enter the weed business, according to CNN.
However, the vaporizers are largely used in other industries, such as healthcare and agriculture. It means that APPL may be interested in bigger market than the personal use.
Apple’s patent was filed in June 2016 and released on January 26, 2017. While it illustrates the process of vaporization, it does not mention in which field this vaporizer can be used.
Nevertheless, this shows APPL’s ability to think bigger and out of its core business.
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