Apple Stock News
According to online sources, Apple may introduce a new updated Apple Watch as early as June. Rumours have come through a number of companies from Apple’s supply chain who have been in discussion with Apple regarding the revamped watch.
The new watch is thought the new watch will be as much as 20-40% thinner than the original. The thinker casing will be massive boost to Apple’s new wearable. It is important to note that Apple Watch sales have reportedly been healthy, however, it has not exactly become the runaway hit that many on Wall Street initially anticipated.
Another improvements which are rumored to featured in the second version of Apple Watch are wireless battery charging technology, inclusion of GPS and even a FaceTime camera. These new features are sen as game changers for Apple due to the major upgrade from the original Apple Watch model. The report also suggests that the company is still working on the products as of the moment. It may take a few months before Apple can do finishing touches leading up to its release this year.
In other related news the fashion gaints, Hermès, will release new straps that would come in four different colors for the original Apple Watch. This is definitely great for users of the current device as it will give them more strap design options.