Algorithmic Predictions For 2Q Compared To Results
I Know First has written numerous bullish articles during the second quarter, arguing that the company would continue to perform well and the stock price would climb even higher. The first article was written after the first quarter earnings report. In it, I argued that the stock price had more room to increase, especially because of the success Apple was having in China.
Another article, written on February 25th, focused on how demand for the iPhone would remain high even though Apple sold a record 74.5 million units in the first quarter. A third article was a preview for the earnings report, and reiterated that iPhone sales would perform better in the second quarter compared to previous years because most of the sales so far had been converting users of other devices, and that Apple would continue this trend in the coming quarter. The stock price has continuously climbed during the previous quarter as the articles predicted, increasing over 15%.
Apple sold 63.4 million iPads in the calendar year 2014, which was a decline of roughly 15% from 74.2 million in 2013. It appears the company may face another year of declining iPad unit sales. KGI securities analysts Ming-Chi Kuo projects that iPad sales could drop another 30% this year compared to 2014, meaning this year would be the greatest drop in iPad sales on an annual basis the company has experienced yet.
This Best Tech Stocks forecast is designed for investors and analysts who need predictions of the best performing stocks for the whole Technology Industry. It includes 10 stocks with bullish and bearish signals and indicates the best tech stocks to buy:
Package Name: Tech Stocks
Recommended Positions: LongForecast Length: 1 Year (1/28/14 – 1/28/15)
I Know First Average: 23.02%
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This Best Tech Stocks forecast is designed for investors and analysts who need predictions of the best performing stocks for the whole Technology Industry. It includes 10 stocks with bullish and bearish signals and indicates the best tech stocks to buy:
Package Name: Tech Stocks
Recommended Positions: LongForecast Length: 1 Year (24/01/14 – 24/01/15)
I Know First Average: 29.20%
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Apple was granted a patent on Tuesday for an action camera with a remote control. The application was made to the US Patent and Trademark Office in 2012 by Kodak, but Apple has since acquired much of the company’s intellectual property, including this patent. The patent says that an upcoming Apple action camera could be mounted to a scuba mask, bicycle helmet, or surfboard. It also depicts a remote control which appears to be worn like a watch, from which the camera can be turned off and on.
At the time of this writing, Apple stock is up by 42.37% year-to-date, crushing the S&P 500’s 11% gain and was considering as the most traded stock in 2014. Considering the company’s size, the gain is quite impressive. Apart from being the most-traded stock, Apple was also a favorite among retail investors when it comes to buying and holding a stock.
This Best Tech Stocks forecast is designed for investors and analysts who need predictions of the best performing stocks for the whole Technology Industry. It includes 10 stocks with bullish and bearish signals and indicates the best tech stocks to buy:
Package Name: Tech Stocks
Recommended Positions: Long & Short
Forecast Length: 3 Months (9/23/14 – 12/23/14)
I Know First Average: 13.11%
Get the “Top Tech Stocks” Package.
This Best Tech Stocks forecast is designed for investors and analysts who need predictions of the best performing stocks for the whole Technology Industry. It includes 20 stocks with bullish and bearish signals and indicates the best tech stocks to buy:
Package Name: Tech Stocks
Recommended Positions: LongForecast Length: 1 Year (12/17/13 – 12/17/14)
I Know First Average: 37.14%
Get the “Top Tech Stocks” Package.
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I Know First-Daily Market Forecast, does not provide personal investment or financial advice to individuals, or act as personal financial, legal, or institutional investment advisors, or individually advocate the purchase or sale of any security or investment or the use of any particular financial strategy. All investing, stock forecasts and investment strategies include the risk of loss for some or even all of your capital. Before pursuing any financial strategies discussed on this website, you should always consult with a licensed financial advisor.