At the World Wide Developers Conference on Monday, Apple’s biggest reveal was saved for last. The music streaming service Apple Music was finally revealed, and it will be made available to customers on June 30th. So far, the service has been met with skepticism, as analysts are unsure of whether it will be able to overtake competitors and dominate the market. Apple has some advantages over the others, however, and should be able to succeed because of them.
Apple announced that its World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) keynote speech will be on Monday, June 8th, kicking off the event. The biggest event of the year for the company, there is sure to be plenty of excitement as new products are announced, updates are released, as well as other surprises. At this point, it has been reported that Apple will announce its new music streaming service, although its subscription TV streaming service won’t be announced.
Apple is currently in the talks about having Russia be one of the first countries to host Apple’s upcoming music streaming service. The on-demand streaming service is rumored to debut at the World Wide Developers Conference next month. A local business publication cited sources at major Russian labels on Wednesday, which claimed Apple was in talks with the record labels about the idea.
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