Apple Stock Predictions

Category: Apple Stock Performance

Apple Stock Predictions

Category: Apple Stock Performance

AAPL Stock Prediction: 0%-Interest iPhone Installment Plan Is A Tailwind for Apple

motek 1The article was written by Motek Moyen Research Seeking Alpha’s #1 Writer on Long Ideas and #2 in Technology – Senior Analyst at I Know First.


  • Apple’s stock is now a buy because it is willing to be more aggressive in marketing its pricey iPhone products.
  • The big decline of iPhone sales in China last year is being addressed through lower price tags and 0% interest installment plans.
  • The interest-free iPhone installment plan is implemented through Ant Financial, a subsidiary of Alibaba.
  • The more iPhones it can sell, the better it is for Apple’s fast-growing Services revenue segment.
  • The predictive algorithm of I Know First has a very bullish 12-month forecast for AAPL. Weekly technical indicators and moving averages hints AAPL is a buy.

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