Apple Stock News
For the latest Apple Stock News, AAPL closed at $141.63 on Tuesday, April 11, 2017. It had a loss of 1.08% from its previous close of $143.17 per share.
Apple seems to want more control in its production of iPhones. Instead of having reliance on third party firms to produce components for Apple’s finished products, Apple sees itself having a future in producing and designing the parts themselves.
We have seen this in the case of Imagination Technologies. The UK GPU company enjoyed licensing rights from Apple to supply the company with GPUs for their iPhone. Given the phone’s success, Apple constituted over half of the company’s revenue. What Imagination Technologies didn’t know was Apple was investing in talent and capital to begin producing its own GPUs for years. As a result, Imagination Technologies will no longer supply GPUs to Apple by the year 2019. This caused Imagination Technologies stock to drop by over 60%.
In another case, Dialog Semiconductor is possibly facing the loss of supplying Apple with semi-conductors. Perhaps Apple has desire to make its own semi-conductors. This rumor resulted in Dialog’s stock drop by more than 15% on April 11, 2017.
These events of controlling supply could make Apple have more control in pricing and timing of products.
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