Apple Stock News
For the latest Apple Stock News, AAPL closed at $142.27 on Friday, April 21, 2017. It had a loss of 0.12% from its previous close of $142.44 per share.
All the talk is about what’s in store for Apple this quarter. Current consensus estimates $52.61 billion, after an Apple guided indication of between $51.5 and $53.5 billion and $2.01 earnings per share.
iPhone unit sales are again expected to be strong, with 19 independent analysts expecting a slight uptick in sales. Apple sold 78.3 million iPhones in the previous quarter, up 5%.
China is the second-largest market being the US, the greatest amount of opportunity resides there. Typically, countries create barriers for trade and China is no exception. Chinese regulators continue to make operations difficult, in a ploy to protect the local economy. Last year, Apple reported sales of $12.49 billion in the Greater China region. This year, consensus estimate sales to be down to $11.39 billion for the quarter. Despite the drop, Apple remains optimistic with the market potential in the region.
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