Apple Stock News
For the latest Apple Stock News, AAPL closed at $116.64 on Monday, December 19, 2016 with a 0.58% gain, or $0.67 from its previous close of $115.97 per share.
Apple masters the art of mystery. The buzz about the new iPhone 8 and it’s foldable or curved OLED screen has been all over the internet, just as the new phones from Apple always are. Rumors behind the new phones features and designs are captivating audiences all over the world. Investors are buying up AAPL stock in order to take part in the release of the new phone’s popularity. Historically, AAPL stock increases around the release of the phone and this upcoming year, it won’t be any exception. Although the iPhone 7 was a bit of a let down, this new phone will be the key to Apple’s continued success.
As for Apple’s fight in Ireland against the EU, not only has Ireland appealed the ruling that Apple must pay roughly $14 billion in back taxes, but Apple itself is also appealing the ruling. Other companies such as Amazon (AMZN) and Google (GOOGL) have also been targeted by the EU’s favorable tax treatment laws. The Obama administration even made a statement that the ruling against Apple sets “disturbing international tax precedents.”
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