Apple Stock News
For the latest Apple Stock News, AAPL closed at $113.95 on Friday, December 9, 2016 with a 1.63% loss, or $1.83 from its previous close of $112.12. per share.
AAPL is finally recovering after being stuck in a rut. The stock has broken over it’s 50-Day moving average as well as their upper Bollinger Band, possibly creating the perfect storm for a rally on AAPL. New information about the iPhone 8 has been trickling out from the rumor mill, creating excitement over its release. The iPhone 8 will feature a new OLED display, among other incredible features. Anticipation for the new iPhone will drive investors to purchase shares of the company so that they can benefit from the release. Because the stock price hasn’t been boosted by the inevitable rally that lays ahead, investors will flock to the tech giant and partake in the future lucrative release. There is still time to purchase shares before the rally begins, setting up for an impressive year for Apple.
While Apple has been seeing lackluster sales on the MacBook Pro and the iPhone 7, the company seems to always find a new and better way to invade the market, taking over its competitors. The iPhone 8 will be the saving grace this upcoming year.
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