Apple Stock News
For the latest Apple Stock News, AAPL closed at $117.63 on Friday, October 14th, with a 0.56% gain, or $0.65 from its previous close of $116.98 per share.
What is Apple’s interest in water conservation? Recently, Tim Cook invested in a startup company, Nebia. Nebia offers a unique showering system using atomizing technology. Unlike traditional shower heads, the new shower head will release millions of fine mist droplets. As a result, this will cover a larger surface area and reduce water usage by up to 70%. Is Tim Cook diversifying his focus on the future?
Water is among the most precious resource on earth. Without water, life could not sustain itself. As the population increases, so does its demand. Despite water covering about 71% of the world’s surface area, society is constantly being challenged how to conserve and distribute. Unfortunately during the past five years in the state of California, where Apple is headquartered, it has been facing a serious drought. Consequently, California had to declare a drought state of emergency in the year 2014. Farmers and the public are forced to cut back, thus leading many to questions its water usage habit. Perhaps, given the current circumstances, this is influencing Tim Cook to see a future demand and value in his investment in the company. A leader’s action could be an indication for a company’s future. Could this be the beginning of Apple venturing into water application?
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