Apple Stock News
For the latest Apple Stock News. On September 7 at 10a.m. PDT all these secrets that we anticipated for so long will be reviled by Tim Cook the CEO of apple.
After the on going race between Apple and Samsung we are very thrilled to see what apple has in store for us this coming week. With this on going competition in technology and gadgets between IPhone and samsung we are very excited to see what the IPhone 7 has to offer after the Samsung Galaxy S7 came out nearly half a year ago. There are plenty of roomers how it will look like and what will or won’t be in it like the headphone jack, or the second camera. On September 7 at 10a.m. PDT all these secrets that we anticipated for so long will be reviled by Tim Cook the CEO of apple. Planed is he should represent the new iPhone as well as the new MacBook, iPad, headphones and plenty more.
On September 2nd, AAPL closed 107.73$ per share and a volume of 26,393,770.