Apple Stock News
For the latest Apple Stock News, AAPL closed at $99.96 on Wednesday, July 20th, an increase of 0.09% from Apple’s previous closing. Apple’s stock price has been steadily recovering since its big drop following the announcement of Brexit on June 24th and is nearing its 3 month high.
Financial Analyst Laura Martin estimates that Apple could reap $3 billion in the next 12-24 months from in app purchases while playing Nintendo’s Pokemon Go on iOS devices, including Pokemon lures, pokecoins, lucky eggs, etc. Martin also notes that 53% of the people who are purchased extras while playing have not made any in app purchases in the 6 months prior to the release of the game on July 6.
Don’t want to update your iPhone? You should do it anyways! Hackers have been able to steal iPhone users’ passwords by sending a single text. Once the iPhone user turns of their phone, it is instantly infected. Additionally, your FaceTime conversation may not have been so private. People have been able to tap into FaceTime conversations lately. When you update your iPhone with Apple’s latest update, it fixes these two iPhone bugs.
The most recent iPhone 7 rumor is that Apple will release 3 versions of the iPhone 7 this fall as opposed to the 2 models that Apple has been releasing every year. Supposedly, the top of the iPhone 7 lineup will have a markedly better camera.
Yet another class action lawsuit is being brought against Apple. This time: over a clause in the AppleCare contract that states that when the given Apple device breaks, it will be replaced with one that is “equivalent to new in performance and reliability.” The dispute is whether replacing the broken device with a refurbished device fulfills that clause.