Apple Stock Forecast
This Best Technology Stocks forecast is designed for investors and analysts who need predictions of the best performing stocks for the whole Technology Industry (See Industry Package). It includes 20 stocks with bullish and bearish signals and indicates the best tech stocks to buy:
Top 10 tech stocks for the long position
Top 10 tech stocks for the short position
PackageName: Tech Stocks
Forecast Length: 3 Days (05/20/16 – 05/24/16)
I Know First Average: 5.81%
The best performing stock for the long position in the 3 days forecast from May 20th was AIXG which had a strong return of 24.80%. NXPI and NVMI also offered strong returns 2.93% and 2.92%. The I Know First Average for the long position was 5.81% beating the S&P 500 return of 1.77%. The algorithm had an amazing 100% accuracy.
Aixtron SE is a provider of deposition equipment to the semiconductor and compound-semiconductor industry. The Company’s technology solutions are used by a diverse range of customers to build advanced components for electronic and opto-electronic applications based on compound, silicon, or organic semiconductor materials.
Algorithmic traders utilize these daily forecasts by the I Know First market prediction system as a tool to enhance portfolio performance, verify their own analysis and act on market opportunities faster. This forecast was sent to current I Know First algorithmic traders.
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