Apple Stock News: 7th OS X 10.11 El Capitain Beta Released To Developers

Apple Stock News

Apple released on Wednesday the seventh beta of OS X 10.11 El Capitan to developers for testing purposes, edging the OS much closer to a final release. This happened only two weeks after releasing the sixth El Capitan beta and a bit more than two months after unveiling the new OS at its yearly Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC).

The company has also re-seeded the fifth public beta of OS X El Capitan, which was prematurely rolled out two days ago, to public beta testers. The update is available through the software update mechanism in the Mac App Store and through the Apple Developer Center.

OS X 10.11 El Capitan Beta

Lately, Apple has been pushing some rapid updates for OS X El Capitan. The majority of them are focusing on under-the-hood performance improvements and several bug fixes in order to optimize the operating system ahead of its public debut. Regarding the design, very few changes have been made in the most recent betas, even though beta 7 does include some minor tweaks.

OS X El Capitan is designed to improve most of the features introduced with OS X Yosemite, mainly focusing on performance and user experience. A handful of applications and processes are supposed to run much faster on the Mac with El Capitan, while the introduction of Metal for Mac brings system-level graphics rendering that’s 40% more efficient.

Apple plans to release OS X 10.11 El Capitan to the public in the fall.

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